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Magical Record with AFIncrementalStore

I have been wondering how would the life look like If I was to combine AFIncrementalStore and Magical Record. I just don't know how do I set the incremental store as a store for magical record. Does any one know how to perform such operation ?


  • It is no different with or without MagicalRecord. This is a general Core Data scenario. Once you have your AFIncrementalStore set up and registered, just call

    -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:]

    you read the Core Data docs for this method for more info.

    MagicalRecord, when you use the build in stack helpers, you can then use [NSPersistentStoreCoordinator MR_defaultCoordinator] to get the instance of the coordinator to which you want to attach the store.