I want to enable action caching in my rails app on heroku.
In development.rb
I set:
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
and see in logs
Started GET "..." for at 2013-05-17 14:03:25 +0400
Write fragment ...
Read fragment ... (0.2ms)
To move to production I installed memcache add-on via $heroku addons:add memcache
, installed new gem in Gemfile: gem 'dalli'
and changed settings in production.rb
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
config.cache_store = :dalli_store #, ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS'], { :namespace => 'myapp', :expires_in => 1.day, :compress => true }
I have also tried to enable those two commented parameters, but anyway I don't see Read/Write fragment ...
pieces in logs, I see that app gets authenticated, but cache is always missing
Started GET "..." for at 2013-05-17 09:54:19 +0000
Dalli/SASL authenticating as myapp%40heroku.com
Dalli/SASL: Authenticated
cache: [GET ...] miss
Running $heroku run console
I check that the cache is loading:
irb(main):001:0> Rails.cache.read('color')
Dalli/SASL authenticating as myapp%40heroku.com
Dalli/SASL: Authenticated
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> Rails.cache.write('color', 'red')
=> true
irb(main):003:0> Rails.cache.read('color')
=> "red"
Why action caching does not work?
Can you try using memcachier instead?
See here in the DevCenter: Memcachier