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putty disconnected error, openssh conflict with putty?

I have been having issues with being able push my changes to my heroku app. I was able to about 1 week ago but not I cannot.

I cant think of anything I did to cause this (possibly installed the heroku toolbelt? to fix another issue, I cant remember now)

Anyway I am total lost and not sure where to turn, I've removed, readded keys , destored keys, created paths for putty and I don't know what else. I could have made it 10x worst for all I know and I have never managed to totally undrestand the whole private,public keys and how putty, pageant, git and heroku work together.

I think I also have Openssh installed and is this possibly conflicting with the other programs (putty, pageant?)

I "think" I have a key set up on heroku. I removed all my keys from the site and then in my cmd run

ssh-keygen -t rsa

this seems to create a key in my


folder called id_rsa and


heroku keys:add

Then seems to add this key to the heroku website. Looking at it will then show this key and also running

heroku keys


ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC...HuBFGI3Q== Steve@STEVE-PC

So I feel I am getting somewhere but now the last this to do is push my code to heroku... running

git push heroku master

returns a error DIALOG

PuTTY Fatal Error Disconnected: No support authentication methods available

and in the command window after "ok"ing that message I see

fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

What am I missing,

Am I meant to be running a OpenSSH program? Should Pageant be running? I get a puTTY error, but what is that to do with anything? I thought I was using openssh? I have totoriseGit installed, does that need some settings or is it conflicting with openssh? I read about someone creating a system path from putty to openssh, I think i did this at one point but now im not sure and cant even remember how I did this, this sounds more of a hack fix if two programs are conflicting. Is that the case I am having?

This is really starting to stress me out and I was hoping to get this set live last week. So please has anyone ideas what is wrong, or maybe new routes I could go to solve this.

I need a hero to help me with this! thanks


  • It seems that it was a conflict between Putty and OpenSSH. while creating a key with the heroku command added a key to putty it was using open ssh to try and connect with the git command.

    I closed off putty. Opened git GUI. and in the options for OpenSSH I was able to generate a new key. I then manually added this to heroku and everything worked :)