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Popularity of MVP for SharePoint WebParts

Is it a popular techinque to use the Model View Presenter (MVP) design pattern when creating Web Parts for SharePoint? It seems (to me) that this pattern is applied more often in the custom application space. So, if you have any thoughts on this, please share...

Perhaps the more important question is, if MVP is less popular in a SharePoint WebPart than in a custom application, why do you think this is (what factors contribute to this observation)?


  • It's probably not popular, but it's also probably a good design practice.

    Perhaps the more important question is, if MVP is less popular in a SharePoint WebPart than in a custom application, why do you think this is (what factors contribute to this observation)?

    It is the "new" approach in the SharePoint world. Everyone is used to doing it the old SharePoint way. This is also true of ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC.

    MVC and MVP patterns are becoming more popular because they allow you to "decouple" the presentation layer from the underlying logic, essentially "uncomplicating" the UI.

    Personally, I think anything that makes SharePoint an easier platform to program on is a welcome relief.