i want to get immediate parent category from a current product, i have refereed
Get a product's parent category even if it is accessed directly
but it doesn't help me to find immediate parent category.
please help me
Thank You in Advance
If you have the product as an object, for this example we say your product object is $product. The following should work:
That should return the parent category as an object of Mage_Catalog_Model_Category.
If you don't have the product but say have the product id then the following should be enough to get the product.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id);
But note that a product could have more than one category assigned to in.
If you have more than one category per product you can use getCategoryCollection() to get all the categories.
foreach ($product->getCategoryCollection() as $category) {
$parent_category = $category->getParentCategory();