I'm trying to figure out how to use Google Music API. I managed to get the auth token as described in http://dpogue.ca/gmusic.html:
$ curl -d accountType=GOOGLE
-d Email=jondoe@gmail.com
-d Passwd=<<PASSWORD>>
-d service=sj
Now I'm able to request the list of tracks in my library:
$ curl --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=DQA..."
https://www.googleapis.com/sj/v1beta1/tracks > list
However, it only returns a list of 1000 tracks.
$ grep -c albumArtist list
How do I request the next 1000 tracks? I've tried to append the nextPageToken to the URL:
$ grep nextPage list
"nextPageToken": "KmM...AI="
$ curl --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=DQA..."
https://www.googleapis.com/sj/v1beta1/tracks?pageToken=KmM...AI= > list2
but I just get the same first 1000 tracks.
How do I tell googleapis.com to return the next bunch?
First, I was advised to use a different URL: https://www.googleapis.com/sj/v1beta1/trackfeed
The correct way to provide nextPageToken to the second request is now to send it per POST as JSON:
$ curl
--header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=DQA..."
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data "{'start-token': 'KmM...'}
> list2
For me it turned out to be even easier to request all tracks at once by providing
--data "{'max-results': '20000'}
Thanks to Darryl Pogue from http://dpogue.ca/!