I want to build couple of projects based on no of .composites by using ant scripts. i added all the taskref tags,lib path every thing in my build.xml file. i wrote the following piece of code for the same and i am getting the error foreach doesn't support the nested "antcall" element.
<target name="createApplicationDAA">
<foreach param="program">
<fileset dir="${soaProjectName}/Composites" includes="**/*.composite"/>
<antcall target="createDAA"/>
<target name="createDAA">
clearly, my requirement is to create all DAAs by building all the composites by using foreach or for loop in ant script. can anybody please let me know,where am i doing wrong?
doesn't use nested elements to determine what to run, it takes a target
<target name="createApplicationDAA">
<foreach param="program" target="createDAA">
<fileset dir="${soaProjectName}/Composites" includes="**/*.composite"/>
<target name="createDAA">
Alternatively, use <for>
, which takes a nested <sequential>
<target name="createApplicationDAA">
<for param="program">
<fileset dir="${soaProjectName}/Composites" includes="**/*.composite"/>