date from to amount account
5/5/2013 bank food 200 bank
5/5/2013 work bank 1200 food
5/5/2013 bank rent 400 work
5/5/2013 work bank 1200 rent
How can I get the resulting balance in column F?
And what's the most performant option?
I know how sum and rest values, but I don't know how to put them cleanly in F column.
I made this:
in H1
=QUERY(A1:D99,"select B, sum(D) where D > 0 group by B")
in J1
=QUERY(A1:D99,"select C, sum(D) where D > 0 group by C")
from sum Amount to sum Amount
bank 600 bank 2400
work 2400 food 200
rent 400
Now, If I rest k - i, I could get the balance. But, how can I do this for correspondent elements? I mean bank with bank and so on.
If you have the accounts already listed in E2 down, you could enter this array formula in F2:
This would probably have the best performance of any alternative in this answer. However it relies on the account names already being populated.
This formula will return the entire table:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(IF({1,0};TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(CONCATENATE(FILTER(B2:C;LEN(B2:B);LEN(C2:C))&CHAR(9));CHAR(9)));TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(CONCATENATE((FILTER(D2:D;LEN(B2:B);LEN(C2:C))*{-1,1})&CHAR(9));CHAR(9))));"select Col1, sum(Col2) group by Col1 label Col1 'Account', sum(Col2) 'Balance'";0))
But aside from being horribly unreadable, these type of "concatenate then split" formulae can have really poor performance for large data sets. So I would usually prefer to use a custom function in this situation:
function accountBalance(fromAccount, toAccount, amount) {
var result = [], output = [['Account', 'Balance']], from, to, value;
for (var i = 0; i < amount.length; i ++) {
from = fromAccount[i][0];
to = toAccount[i][0];
value = amount[i][0];
if (from && to) {
if (!(from in result)) result[from] = 0;
if (!(to in result)) result[to] = 0;
result[from] -= value;
result[to] += value;
for (var j in result) {
output.push([j, result[j]]);
return output;
And then in the spreadsheet cell, you would invoke: