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FTP server Client using ftplib

I am trying to implement both a FTP server and a client to transfer files, but i am basically unable to make a connection between the two using the ftplib module in python....

This is what I did, how can I fix the code? Is there another approach?

Code for my server : -

       #making the important imports for file transfer :

       from ftplib import FTP

       #s = socket.socket()         
       host = ""
       port = 1227

       while True:
            c, addr = ftp_object_server.accept()
            print c
            print addr# Establish connection with client.
            print 'Got connection from', addr
            c.send('Thank you for connecting')

            ftp_object_server.close()                # Close the connection

Code for my client : -

     from ftplib import FTP


     host = "" # Get local machine name
     port = 1227                # Reserve a port for your service.

     #---------Creating My Own Set of username and passwords ------------------------#

     input_user_name=raw_input('Enter the Username')
     input_user_password=raw_input('Enter the password')           

     if input_user_name in Username and input_user_password  in Password:
         print ftp_object_client.recv(1024)



  • The ftplib module from the standard library only covers the client part of the FTP protocol. So what you did is trying to open two connections to I'm assuming you meant localhost, which is anyway.

    Not knowing what you are actually trying to achieve, there are some options:

    • transfer files using HTTP, use python -m SimpleHTTPServer (or python3 -m http.server in python3) and requests as client
    • use a prexisting solution (see the answers to One line ftp server in python)
    • implement your own server