I recently installed Github for Mac. During the setup process I imported an existing Xcode project, which was open at the time. Upon doing that Xcode prompted an alert saying that the project had changed and asking if I wanted to re-save. I opted to resave because I thought the changes it was referring to was the fact that I had just added the project to git. I didn't think that the actual code files were changed in the process. Unfortunately what really happend is that the project reverted back to a version from late March, costing me about a month and a half of work.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can undo the damage I just caused? I can't figure out why it chose a date in March to revert to. Perhaps that was the last time I committed the code using Xcode's source control. There's a version in Time Machine that I can use to restore the project, but that is at least a couple of weeks old. Before doing that I was wondering if there's a better solution.
Check what git log
shows. It will list all commits. If you have a commit, you can restore the source code to that point. (You could do this by, for instance git reset --hard <committish>
(If you have done something really strange, you can also check git reflog
for commits no longer shown by git log
, but that does not seem likely.)
Unfortunately it sounds like you last committed in March. In that case Time Machine seems like the best option.