For an art exhibition, I'm trying to utilize a locally hosted web page to infinitely scroll information about the pieces near it.
So far I've come up with the idea of using a vertical marquee set to a slow speed so people can read it. On mouse-over, it stops, then starts when the mouse leaves the space.
(IDEALLY it would allow the user to scroll up and down, and then at input timeout it resumes marqueeing. That's prob #2 though)
Prob #1 is the Marquee waits until the last line clears the top before starting the loop again at the bottom. For a page on slow marquee repeat, that means the page is entirely clear of text for a long time until it begins to loop again.
Prob#1 How do I get a Marquee to loop immediately after the last line?
Prob#2 How do I get the text to be momentarily scrollable until an interaction timeout?
Right now I'm more concerned about #1
I've been using the basic marqueeing tool with code found here
and I've been looking into better code available here, but it still has the same blank stretch of space before loop problem
Marquee cant loop, until the whole sentence or text, goes out of view. The best option is jquery scroller. You can check in this site.
Look here: