Has anyone ever setup yuidoc to work with coffeescript? Here's my yuidoc.json file:
"name": "App",
"description": "App",
"version": "1",
"url": "http://example.com",
"options": {
"paths": [
"exclude": "vendor",
"syntaxtype": "coffee",
"extension": ".coffee",
"outdir": "./api_docs"
When I run yuidoc -c yuidoc.json .
the example classes I made show up in the api.js file and the the html pages are generated but nothing shows up under "Classes" when I go to the url generated by yuidoc --server
Here are my comments.
# Description
# @project MyProject
# @author Me
# @class MyClass
Any ideas?
yuidocjs after V0.3.19 support parse coffee comment syntax(0.3.19以后的版本已经支持CoffeeScript)see here
Add CoffeeScript comment syntax support.
set options --syntaxtype coffee.
$ yuidoc --syntaxtype coffee -e .coffee input
Thi is CoffeeScript's code:
# The test project
# @project tester
# @title The Tester
# @icon http://a.img
# @url http://one.url
# @url http://two.url
# @author admo
# @contributor davglass
# @contributor entropy