I found this statement while studying Functional Reactive Programming, from "Plugging a Space Leak with an Arrow" by Hai Liu and Paul Hudak ( page 5) :
Suppose we wish to define a function that repeats its argument indefinitely: repeat x = x : repeat x or, in lambdas: repeat = λx → x : repeat x This requires O(n) space. But we can achieve O(1) space by writing instead: repeat = λx → let xs = x : xs in xs
The difference here seems small but it hugely prompts the space efficiency. Why and how it happens ? The best guess I've made is to evaluate them by hand:
r = \x -> x: r x
r 3
-> 3: r 3
-> 3: 3: 3: ........
-> [3,3,3,......]
As above, we will need to create infinite new thunks for these recursion. Then I try to evaluate the second one:
r = \x -> let xs = x:xs in xs
r 3
-> let xs = 3:xs in xs
-> xs, according to the definition above:
-> 3:xs, where xs = 3:xs
-> 3:xs:xs, where xs = 3:xs
In the second form the xs
appears and can be shared between every places it occurring, so I guess that's why we can only require O(1)
spaces rather than O(n)
. But I'm not sure whether I'm right or not.
BTW: The keyword "shared" comes from the same paper's page 4:
The problem here is that the standard call-by-need evaluation rules are unable to recognize that the function:
f = λdt → integralC (1 + dt) (f dt)
is the same as:
f = λdt → let x = integralC (1 + dt) x in x
The former definition causes work to be repeated in the recursive call to f, whereas in the latter case the computation is shared.
It's easiest to understand with pictures:
The first version
repeat x = x : repeat x
creates a chain of (:)
constructors ending in a thunk which will replace itself with more constructors as you demand them. Thus, O(n) space.
The second version
repeat x = let xs = x : xs in xs
uses let
to "tie the knot", creating a single (:)
constructor which refers to itself.