I am trying to write a macro for Building my application, kicking off an external tool, and ataching the debugger to that external tool.
Everything is working except for the building. It builds, but it is not blocking the thread so the external tool gets kicked off before it can finish. Is there a way I can run ExecuteCommand and wait for the thread to finish?
Code is below:
Dim dbg2 As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 = DTE.Debugger
Dim trans As EnvDTE80.Transport = dbg2.Transports.Item("Default")
Dim dbgeng(1) As EnvDTE80.Engine
dbgeng(0) = trans.Engines.Item("Managed")
Dim proc2 As EnvDTE80.Process2 = dbg2.GetProcesses(trans, "MINIPC").Item("_nStep.exe")
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
This was answered on this thread I believe: