From times to times I get a very annoying dialog with the text: "Tap continue and sign in to check for downloads." If I login ( with a sandbox user ) or tap Cancel the dialog is immediately displayed again.
I am using Non-Renewing Subscriptions and Non-Consumable products.
Any ideas how to get rid of this dialog?
The consensus seems to be that:
- The issue started in iOS 6
- It doesn't seem to happen if you are not logged in in Settings with an Apple ID.
- Turning on Airplane Mode and then logging out of whatever Apple ID you're logged in as in Settings, and then leaving Airplane mode on for about 15 minutes will stop the messages for a while.
- Wiping the device and restoring doesn't make it go away
- Someone filed a bug about this and it was marked Duplicate, so Apple seems to be aware of the issue but unwilling to do anything about it just yet.
- There's speculation that it happens when your device is logged in to the Sandbox with one ID and to the live store with another. If you're testing in-app purchases, log out of your main ID before you start testing.
Here's some more discussion on the issue: