the site I'm working with -, its built with:
Issue: Border-radius at navbar link(active) NOT working on IE8 even with CSS3PIE. But its working on IE7,9,10 (using browserstack for testing)
CSS Location: /css/
CSS3PIE HTC File Location: /root/ same location as my index.html
HTC Coded as: behavior: url(;
behavior: url(/;
and behavior: url(../;
behavior: url(PIE.php);
behavior: url(/PIE.php);
AddType text/x-component .htc
- its actually a an HTC solutions but different approach vs CSS3PIE. Still didn't work..Fix Attempt #4 Added: -pie-border-radius: 10px;
not working.
Fix Attempt #5 Added: position:relative !important; zoom:1; z-index:0 !important
Fix Suggestion by ScottSimpson: Isolation test, with plain html with no TBS, here-s the page test -
the ones on the top button is CSS3PIE (DIDN'T WORK).. The bottom part button from fetchak is quite working.. Now, this lead us near to my problem.. Question is, is TBS causing .htc not to load properly? or TBS is overwriting it? but I did, !important with the values..hmmmm..
WINNER IS pjumble : I'm using (PIE 2.0 beta 1) so it needs to have this file - PIE_IE678.js
then everything's working... Thank you so much pjumble!
You're using PIE 2.0 beta, the .htc
file for PIE 2.0 simply loads an external javascript file PIE_IE678.js
. You need to upload PIE_IE678.js
to your server and then inform PIE where the javascript file is located.
The easiest way is to add the PIE_IE678.js
file to the same directory as
and then use the absolute URL to the file in your css file, e.g:
behavior: url('');
and your directory structure would need to be:
Note: Don't manually load any of the PIE .js files, the .htc file loads the additional javascript files for you.