I've implemented a Probabilistic roadmap method function, which works and executes correctly. The only problem is that the output of the prm is not smooth for example, if a hand needs to rotate from 30 to 100 degrees, the steps might be 30,55,42,66,99,100, i wat to be able to smoothen the transition betwen the 30 and 100 degree. I know that the problem is related tp smoothing of a signal yet i dont know what type of smoothing might be able to do the job. No sophisticated method is needed. My implementation is in c#, if possible i wish to let such job be done by a library. Is there any such library? which i can give it an array of integers and likewise produce an array of smoothed values.
I think what you need is a simple curve fitting algorithm. A quick google search will give you lots of example code. And if you want to have a strictly increasing curve, you need to sort the values before you do the curve fitting.
If you are just interested in reaching the target, you can drop the values in between and do a linear interpolation from start to end or something similar.