I'm using the the XML for < script > library W3C DOM Parser available here. (This because I'm using js inside a .NET CLI Jint program instead of a browser.)
My problem is, I edit a XML using DOMImplementation.loadXML() function and then I edit one node value, then I want to retrieve as string all the XML including the modified one:
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML($xmlData);
//get the root node (in this case, it is ROOTNODE)
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
// change "name" element value
// try to retreive all the XML including the changed one
Sample XML:
All works good except the last line:
Which only returns the original XML as string and not the modified one.
Any idea how can I retreive all the XML as string including the modified?
Fixed it replacing:
Seems I needed to call firstChild
to text in the Element "name" be really replaced. With this docRoot.getXML()
returned all the XML code including the modified one.