In the process of writing a wrapper to arbitrary cancellable code that's supposed to run while a certain condition holds true (which has to be verified regularly), I came across interesting behavior in the interaction between CancellationTokenSource
, Threading.Timer
, and async
generated code.
In a nutshell, what it looks like is that if you have some cancellable Task
that you're awaiting on and then you cancel that Task
from a Timer
callback, the code that follows the cancelled task executes as part of the cancel request itself.
In the program below, if you add tracing you'll see that execution of the Timer
callback blocks in the cts.Cancel()
call, and that the code after the awaited task that gets cancelled by that call executes in the same thread as the cts.Cancel()
call itself.
The program below is doing the following:
"work", then sleeping for 500ms to demonstrate that timer disposal waits for this;namespace CancelWorkFromTimer
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
bool finished = CancelWorkFromTimer().Wait(2000);
Console.WriteLine("Finished in time?: {0} after {1}ms; press ENTER to exit", finished, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
private static async Task CancelWorkFromTimer()
using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
using (var cancelTimer = new Timer(_ => { cts.Cancel(); Thread.Sleep(500); }))
// Set cancellation to occur 100ms from now, after work has already started
cancelTimer.Change(100, -1);
// Simulate work, expect to be cancelled
await Task.Delay(200, cts.Token);
throw new Exception("Work was not cancelled as expected.");
catch (OperationCanceledException exc)
if (exc.CancellationToken != cts.Token)
// Dispose cleanly of timer
using (var disposed = new ManualResetEvent(false))
if (cancelTimer.Dispose(disposed))
// Pretend that here we need to do more work that can only occur after
// we know that the timer callback is not executing and will no longer be
// called.
The simplest way of making this work as I was expecting it to work when I first wrote it is to use cts.CancelAfter(0)
instead of cts.Cancel()
. According to documentation, cts.Cancel()
will run any registered callbacks synchronously, and my guess is that in this case, with the interaction with async
generated code, all code that's after the point where the cancellation took place is running as part of that. cts.CancelAfter(0)
decouples the execution of those callbacks from its own execution.
Has anyone run into this before? In a case like this, is cts.CancelAfter(0)
the best option to avoid the deadlock?
This behavior is because an async
method's continuation is scheduled with TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously
. I ran into a similar issue and blogged about it here. AFAIK, that's the only place this behavior is documented. (As a side note, it's an implementation detail and could change in the future).
There are a few alternative approaches; you'll have to decide which one is best.
First, is there any way the timer could be replaced by CancelAfter
? Depending on the nature of the work after the cts is cancelled, something like this might work:
async Task CleanupAfterCancellationAsync(CancellationToken token)
try { await token.AsTask(); }
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
await Task.Delay(500); // remainder of the timer callback goes here
(using AsTask
from my AsyncEx library; it's not hard to build AsTask
yourself if you prefer)
Then you could use it like this:
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var cleanupCompleted = CleanupAfterCancellationAsync(cts.Token);
await Task.Delay(200, cts.Token);
throw new Exception("Work was not cancelled as expected.");
catch (OperationCanceledException exc) { }
await cleanupCompleted;
You could replace the Timer
with an async
static async Task TimerReplacementAsync(CancellationTokenSource cts)
await Task.Delay(100);
await Task.Delay(500); // remainder of the timer callback goes here
Used as such:
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var cleanupCompleted = TimerReplacementAsync(cts);
await Task.Delay(200, cts.Token);
throw new Exception("Work was not cancelled as expected.");
catch (OperationCanceledException exc) { }
await cleanupCompleted;
You could just kick off the cancellation in a Task.Run
using (var cancelTimer = new Timer(_ => { Task.Run(() => cts.Cancel()); Thread.Sleep(500); }))
I don't like this solution as well as the others because you still end up with synchronous blocking (ManualResetEvent.WaitOne
) inside an async
method which isn't recommended.