Is there a PHP call for in_str?
…something similar to in_array..
Am using an if-else
to take the each word (string
) in the array
of strings (from a form
) to see if the start index [0]
is equal to a single character string
in another array
Also, how does one get at a string
from string[1]
to string[last]
(these two questions are highlighted in the code using the format: **code**
if(isset($_POST['RadioButtonName']) &&
$_POST['RadioButtonName'] == 'aValue') {
$stringsArray = array($_POST['FormInputText']);
$vowels = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U");
foreach ($stringsArray as $stringsArrayString)
if (**in_str**($stringsArrayString[0], $vowels)) {
echo $stringsArrayString . "aWord" . "< >";
else {
echo "**$stringsArrayString[1] to $stringsArrayString[last]**" . "$stringsArrayString[0]" . "aWord" . "< >";
you can use strpos to check if a letter is in a string, but to search an array you'll need to use a foreach...
foreach($vowels as $vowel)
$firstLetterIsAVowel = (strpos($stringsArrayString, $vowel) === 0 ? true : false);
if ($firstLetterIsAVowel)) {
echo $stringsArrayString . "aWord" . "< >";
else {
echo "**".substr($stringsArrayString, 1) . "$stringsArrayString[0]" . "aWord" . "< >";
note the use of === instead of == as strpos returns false if not found, and 0 == false. I did it like that because that was your question, but i'd rather check if $stringArrayString[0] is a vowel like this...
in_array ( $stringArrayString[0] , $vowels)