Is there maven archetype (template) for Eclipse RCP / plugin ?
That is, I want something like mvn eclipse-rcp create
(run from comand line) to get Eclipse RCP project.
See also
I would suggest using Maven Tycho to build the RCP application. It is a matured project which is utilized by the Eclipse Foundation as part of its own build infrastructure.
You can take a look at the following sample for cross platform Eclipse RCP Application building using Maven/Tycho-
There is a maven archetype for Eclipse Tycho plugin/feature build but it does not support RCP specifically.
You can take a look at it here -
It will build your project structure as follows -
__artifactId__ : parent pom project
|---__artifactId__.core : eclipse-plugin
|---__artifactId__.feature: eclipse-feature
|---__artifactId__.test : eclipse-test-plugin (Fragment project)
| : eclipse-repository
This leaves out building the RCP app. For that you will have to add a pom.xml file where your .product file lies. Tycho will pick up settings from this .product file.
At the very lease your pom.xml must have the following -