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Merge sort python infinite loop

I have decide to learn python recently! I want to write an easy merge sort using the following code :

def mergeSort(lst):
    l = len(lst)

    if l <= 0:
        return None
    elif l == 1:
        return lst

    half = int(l / 2)
    m = lst[half]

    print(half, m)

    left = []
    right = []

    for n in lst:
        if n < m:

    left = mergeSort(left)
    right = mergeSort(right)

    return merge(left, right)

Unfortunately this code generates a infinite loop, when it has to deal with a list such as [1 1 1]. Can you suggest some way to fix this wrong behavior?


  • Have you checked out It's probably the best way to learn how to write algorithms in Python the easy way. Check it out. As a bonus it's a very clean website where the only advertisement I have seen recently is about an android brainy puzzle app by axdlab called "Puzz!". The site itself has all sorts of algorithms and good explanations.

    Here is their merge sort:

    #  Author: Isai Damier
    #  Title: Mergesort
    #  Project: geekviewpoint
    #  Package: algorithm.sorting
    #  Statement:
    #  Given a disordered list of integers (or any other items),
    #  rearrange the integers in natural order.
    #  Sample Input: [8,5,3,1,9,6,0,7,4,2,5]
    #  Sample Output: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9]
    #  Time Complexity of Solution:
    #  Best = Average = Worst = O(nlog(n)).
    #  Approach:
    #   Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. In the divide and
    #   conquer paradigm, a problem is broken into pieces where each piece
    #   still retains all the properties of the larger problem -- except
    #   its size. To solve the original problem, each piece is solved
    #   individually; then the pieces are merged back together.
    #   For illustration, imagine needing to sort an array of 200 elements
    #   using selection sort. Since selection sort takes O(n^2), it would
    #   take about 40,000 time units to sort the array. Now imagine
    #   splitting the array into ten equal pieces and sorting each piece
    #   individually still using selection sort. Now it would take 400
    #   time units to sort each piece; for a grand total of 10400 = 4000.
    #   Once each piece is sorted, merging them back together would take
    #   about 200 time units; for a grand total of 200+4000 = 4,200.
    #   Clearly 4,200 is an impressive improvement over 40,000. Now
    #   imagine greater. Imagine splitting the original array into
    #   groups of two and then sorting them. In the end, it would take about
    #   1,000 time units to sort the array. That's how merge sort works.
    #  NOTE to the Python experts:
    #     While it might seem more "Pythonic" to take such approach as
    #         mid = len(aList) / 2
    #         left = mergesort(aList[:mid])
    #         right = mergesort(aList[mid:])
    #     That approach take too much memory for creating sublists.
     def mergesort( aList ):
      _mergesort( aList, 0, len( aList ) - 1 )
    def _mergesort( aList, first, last ):
      # break problem into smaller structurally identical pieces
      mid = ( first + last ) / 2
      if first < last:
        _mergesort( aList, first, mid )
        _mergesort( aList, mid + 1, last )
      # merge solved pieces to get solution to original problem
      a, f, l = 0, first, mid + 1
      tmp = [None] * ( last - first + 1 )
      while f <= mid and l <= last:
        if aList[f] < aList[l] :
          tmp[a] = aList[f]
          f += 1
          tmp[a] = aList[l]
          l += 1
        a += 1
      if f <= mid :
        tmp[a:] = aList[f:mid + 1]
      if l <= last:
        tmp[a:] = aList[l:last + 1]
      a = 0
      while first <= last:
        aList[first] = tmp[a]
        first += 1
        a += 1

    Here is the testbench:

    import unittest
    from algorithms import sorting
    class Test( unittest.TestCase ):
      def testMergesort( self ):
          A = [8, 5, 3, 1, 9, 6, 0, 7, 4, 2, 5]
          sorting.mergesort( A )
          for i in range( 1, len( A ) ):
              if A[i - 1] > A[i]:
       "mergesort method fails." )