I have an xml database where are stocked several blog posts.
xml example:
<element id="12" size="square" category="portfolio">
<tag tag="printer printing 3d apple iphone 5 bumper case"></tag>
<icon class="icon-picture"></icon>
<urlpage url="/contact/contact.html"></urlpage>
<urlimage src='./Post thumbnail images/01.png'></urlimage>
<date date="8 Apr"></date>
<title>Minimal Bumper for iPhone 5 : Protect your iphone with a lightwheight and protect full case </title>
I want to have my website based on two main php pages. The main index.php page where blog post thumbnails and links are displayed. And a single.php page where each blog posts can be displayed individually.
How can I load, change the content and url of the single.php page when I click on a blog post thumbnail link in the index.php page (finally, I think, like wordpress but without use it)?
If this is possible, how it works for SEO?
Sorry for my english, I'm french.
You can do this by using GET variables which you will set in the url:
for single.php, url www.example.com.php?blog_no=121
if(isset($_GET["blog_no"])) {
// connect to database and get post
You need to set $_GET variable in the url when linking to that post: on the index.php page you would
<a href="single.php?blog_no=121">Post 121</a>