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Including config file in PHP

I am developing a project where I am not able to include the files.

My Folder Structure:


enter image description here

I am trying to access the config file which is inside the Config/config.php in my Modules/Home/index.php

But I am not able to include the config file?

I tried:

define("ROOT", __DIR__ ."/");

define("HTTP", ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "localhost")
   ? "http://localhost/myproject/"
   : ""
<img src="<?php print HTTP; ?>images/banner.gif">

define('PROJECT_ROOT', getcwd());


Ref: [link][2]


How can I like a config.php which is out side the folder structure but inside my project?


  • You can either use absolute path which could be /Myproject/Config/config.php or reset your directory by navigating in upper level folder and then going to your require file ../../Config/config.php

    So you can manage to include with


    As stated in include documentation

    If a path is defined — whether absolute (starting with a drive letter or \ on Windows, or / on Unix/Linux systems) or relative to the current directory (starting with . or ..) — the include_path will be ignored altogether. For example, if a filename begins with ../, the parser will look in the parent directory to find the requested file.


    Let's analyze include path. We are actually in Modules/Home/ folder. te reach root level and can get inside Config folder we need to go two level upper, and we can do this by doing ../ for each level, so in our case ../../. Now that we are in root directory we can navigate through Config/ and get our desired file config.php. Now mixing all toghter will will have ../../Config/config.php.