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how to display ad banner (buzzcity) in cocos2d project?

is there a way to put UIView by converting it to EAGLView or should i have to add CAlayer ? whats the best way to do it? any Example codes related to BuzzCity for Cocos2d would be nice

what i have found till now----

btnAD = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:@"underwater-images-paradox-visual-wallpapers-title-search-196522.jpg" selectedImage:@"underwater-images-paradox-visual-wallpapers-title-search-196522.jpg" target:self selector:@selector(AdbuttonAction)];
btnAD.position=ccp(0, 0);

what i am trying is to display ad on button image... and call the url for ad on buttonAction
how to display this button on top of my uiview?

documentation of buzzCity ad integration


  • you can not sandwich UIViews between two cocos nodes. If you want an ad button, display the ad as background of a UIButton, or simply make the ad "touchable" by testing if touch location is within ad's frame.