Ive been comparring the two libraries and they both seem to do exactly what i want, robospice
looks to be a little more then what i want while LoopJ
looks just right. But i wanted to get some solid feedback from someone who has used BOTH. Im coming over from iOS where i used AFNetworking
as my networking library.
My app had a chat system, has a friendslist, its basically a basic social networking app with a special niche.
I did notice one thing so far as well. Its hard to find the documentation for RoboSpice, as well has it looks more complicated to setup because it has to have some other REST Library, god knows why it doesn't just give it its own...
Edit: Figured i would make this post a little more SEO friendly...
Whats the best Android Library to use for Networking, handling multiple threads on its own not interfering with my Main UI Threads. ect ect.
This is my library (advertising my stuff :) ) which i have been using for a long time now in all my android apps and the developers that work with me also use it. Takes care of the Async part:
And i reccomend this one: (LoopJ)
It works great.
You probably won't need anything more that these offer.