I want to be able to retrieve the value of an array by using the numeric key. The catch is that if the key is beyond the array length, I need it to loop through the array again.
$my_array = array('zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven');
function loopArrayValues($array,$key){
//this is what is needed to return
echo "Key 2 is ".loopArrayValues($my_array,2)."<br />";
echo "Key 11 is ".loopArrayValues($my_array,11)."<br />";
echo "Key 150 is ".loopArrayValues($my_array,11)."<br />";
Expected output:
Key 2 is two
Key 11 is three
Key 150 is three
My research references:
My formed function:
function loopArrayValues($array,$key){
$infinate = new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator($array));
foreach( new LimitIterator($infinate,1,$key) as $value){
return $return;
The function works, but I have a question: is this a good way to get the intended results?
You are being far too complex, unless you actually want to process the elements in the array you don't want to iterate over them as it is expensive. I think you just need the modulus of the number of elements in the array, like this:-
$my_array = array('zero', 'one','two','three','four','five','six','seven');
function loopArrayValues(array $array, $position)
return $array[$position % count($array)];
for($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++){
echo "Position $i is " . loopArrayValues($my_array, $i) . "<br/>";
Position 0 is zero
Position 1 is one
Position 2 is two
Position 3 is three
Position 4 is four
Position 5 is five
Position 6 is six
Position 7 is seven
Position 8 is zero
Position 9 is one
Position 10 is two
Position 11 is three
Position 12 is four
Position 13 is five