When I use
https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces/workspace-id/tasks -d "name=this is a new task"
and then also using the POST method... I get a response, but nothing is created in asana...
This is the response in JSON format
{"data":{"id":5480677401703,"created_at":"2013-05-17T12:55:21.298Z","modified_at":"2013-05-17T12:55:21.298Z","name":"","notes":"","completed":false,"assignee_status":"later","completed_at":null,"due_on":null,"workspace":{"id":1337166104874,"name":"mecad.co.za"},"assignee":null,"parent":null,"followers":[{"id":1337166104857,"name":"Andries Koorzen"}],"projects":[],"tags":[]}}
But I don't see anything in asana
(I work at Asana) Where do you expect the task to show up? You have not given your new task an assignee or a project, so it will not show up in your My Tasks list, nor will it show up under any project. Try setting something in the assignee
or project
But it also looks like you have a problem specifying details for the task, since you're attempting to pass a name but it's not being accepted by the system. My guess is something about the way you're doing this is not actually sending the correct POST data to the Asana API.