Let's imagine we have this code:
while (true)
foreach($array as $row)
$item = $em->getRepository('reponame')->findOneBy(array('filter'));
if (!$item)
$needPersist = true;
$item = new Item();
// and so on ...
if ($needPersist)
So, the point is that code will be executed a lot of times (while server won't die :) ). And we want to optimize it. Every time we:
So question is - how to avoid unnecessary queries and optimize "check if entry is exist"? Because when there are 100-500 queries it's not so scary... But when it comes up to 1000-10000 for one while loop - it's too much.
PS: Each entry in DB is unique by several columns (not only by ID).
Eg. let's say your filter wants to load ids 1, 2, 10. So QB would be something like:
$allResults = ...
->where("o.id IN (:ids)")->setParameter("ids", $ids)
->getResults() ;
"foreach" of these results, do your job of updating them and flushing
While doing that loop, save ids of those fetched objects in new array
Compare that array with original one using array_diff. Now you have ids that were not fetched the first time
Rinse and repeat :)
And don't forget $em->clear() to free memory
While this can still be slow when working with 10.000 records (dunno, never tested), it will be much faster to have 2 big queries than 10.000 small ones.