The project I'm currently working on includes a server that receives C# scripts (partial code) from clients, wraps it to create a complete class, compiles it then load it into a separate AppDomain for execution.
A task (currently running script) can send feedback to the user at any point of it's execution, as defined in the script by the user. And possibly the task might wait for a response from the user (currently assuming it's only right after having sent feedback). And the user might, at any moment, decide to kill a task.
The server is implemented as a Windows Service hosting a WCF Service Library.
As I don't want to overcomplicate the client to make it communicate directly with the dynamically created AppDomains, the (partial) solution that I considered after some research was hosting a second WCF service with named pipe binding to make the dynamic AppDomains use it as a relay between them and the client facing WCF service.
My issue is that now I can't think of a clean way to have the two WCF services interact.
My ideas are:
I could really use some expert input on what I'm trying to accomplish, be it opinions on my thoughts or new ideas. Even if that involves rethinking the architecture. This project is still in an early enough stage to afford some rework, as long as there is enough reason to do that of course.
Since I've put lots of efforts (read: 2 minutes on paint) to prepare a quick (read: useless) schema of the system, I'll link it here since I don't have the reputation to post images: Link to schema
As I now have the reputation thanks to an upvote:
Still after rereading my question, I feel that perhaps I have been looking at this issue from a too narrow perspective by thinking of the services as something more special than ordinary classes. The more I think about it the more I feel that the observer pattern is probably the best approach to take.
Just for the record, and to avoid leaving my (silly) question unanswered, I've realised that I was looking at this too narrowly by trying to find a solution specific to WCF services.
And finally I ended up using a variation of the observer pattern (based on the IObservable<T>