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Is an empty list in Lisp built from a cons cell?

I'm trying to emulate Lisp-like list in JavaScript (just an exercise with no practical reason), but I'm struggling to figure out how to best represent an empty list.

Is an empty list just a nil value or is it under the hood stored in a cons cell?

I can:

(car '())
(cdr '())

but an empty list for sure can not be (cons nil nil), because it would be indistinguishable from a list storing a single nil. It would need to store some other special value.

On the other hand, if an empty list is not built from a cons cell, it seems impossible to have a consistent high-level interface for appending a single value to an existing list. A function like:

(defun append-value (list value) ...

Would modify its argument, but only if it is not an empty list, which seems ugly.


  • An empty list is simply the nil symbol (and symbols, by definition, are not conses). car and cdr are defined to return nil if given nil.

    As for list-mutation functions, they return a value that you are supposed to reassign to your variable. For example, look at the specification for the nreverse function: it may modify the given list, or not, and you are supposed to use the return value, and not rely on it to be modified in-place.

    Even nconc, the quintessential destructive-append function, works that way: its return value is the appended list that you're supposed to use. It is specified to modify the given lists (except the last one) in-place, but if you give it nil as the first argument, it can't very well modify that, so you still have to use the return value.