Search code examples

MKNetworkKit doesn't retrieve any images

NSString *pictureUrl = [[[oneUserDict objectForKey:@"picture"]objectForKey:@"data"]objectForKey:@"url"];

[[AppEngine sharedEngine]imageAtURL:[NSURL URLWithString:pictureUrl] onCompletion:^(UIImage *fetchedImage, NSURL *url, BOOL isInCache) 

  int index  = [usersArray indexOfObject:oneUserDict];
  NSString *loadName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d of %d",index,[usersArray count]];
  int temp=[usersArray count]-10;

  if (index!=temp) 

    [[LoadingIndicator currentIndicator]displayActivity:loadName];
    NSLog(@"inside loading indicator");


   [[LoadingIndicator currentIndicator]displayCompleted:@"Done"];
     NSLog(@"finally done");

    aPerson.image =  UIImagePNGRepresentation(fetchedImage);
    [appDelegate.managedObjectContext save:nil];

AppEngine is the subclass of MKNetworkEngine which uses a method called imageAtURL:onCompletion:

what I am currently doing is retrieving all the images from a particular url and and storing them in aPerson.image,basically the above code is in a FOR loop(i.e the for the count of users).


The above code which is in the completion block never gets executed,i dont know why but i have put a breakpoint inside the block but still the compiler wont run the statements inside the completion block.


  • Api imageAtURL:onCompletion: is deprecated. Use imageAtURL:completionHandler:errorHandler: instead. Also MKNetworkKit provides for UIImageView+MKNetworkKitAdditions category which provides simple API for image download like setImageFromURL: placeHolderImage:
