I thought I understood destructuring, but I was reading a clojure blog and this confused me. If you have a function written like:
(defn f [& {:keys [foo bar]}]
(println foo " " bar))
Why can you call it like this:
(f :foo 1 :bar 2)
My first thought was that my function was supposed to be called like this:
(f {:foo 1 :bar 2})
IllegalArgumentException No value supplied for key: {:foo 1, :bar 2} clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.createWithCheck (PersistentHashMap.java:89)
But obviously that doesn't work. I think this has something to do with the way &
works. But I always thought that the thing after it is a vector and therefore you'd have to destructure anything after it like a vector.
Can someone explain to me how/why this definition works the way it does? Thanks
The & and destructuring form work sequentially:
The vector in the map destructuring form is just syntax used to build the desctructuring/binding and does not imply anything aobut the input form
The without the & in the defn the second form will work and the first will not.
With the & the first form will work and the second will not.