I'm working over a sketch to enable uploading from an Android device to an Arduino board, and it works for Duemilanove (FTDI-based) and Arduino Uno (ATmega-based) when testing for PC/Arduino using rxtx (pure Java).
But it does not work when using the USB-Android library as the setDTR/setRTS methods are not yet implemented.
FTDI Android drivers allow the sending of setDTR/setRTS signals, but it fails to send/read data after it.
So the problem is in the Android USB API and I can't figure out what's wrong..
What happens for FTDI-based Arduino boards after DTR/RTS are toggled?
I believe that the device is reset and waits for bootloader commands (STK500) for ~50-250 ms. Am I right?
The answer is that the board resets. The schematic is made in the way it resets the board (RTD/DTR is wired to the microcontroller reset pin somehow).