i have a products portfolio each one has an image, if the DB field 'image' is empty i'm loading a generic image, but if in some case the field has an image value but the file doesn't exists i want to use the generic image too, i've tried using the code below but only works for empty fields:
<div class="wrapper"><a href="store.php?url=<?php echo $row->url ?>"><img src="images/stores/category/
if (empty($row->image) or file_exists($row->image)==false) {
echo 'generic.jpg';
echo $row->imagen; }?>" alt="<?php echo $row->seo ?>"/></a></div>
<?php } ?>
Thanks for your time!
good code should be like this:
Note 1: use is_file to check of the file actually exists and is available
Note 2: use the relative path from your script to the file since the field contains only the file name
Note 3: typo on the $row->imagen
<div class="wrapper"><a href="store.php?url=<?php echo $row->url ?>"><img src="images/stores/category/
if (empty($row->image) || !is_file('images/stores/category/' . $row->image)) {
echo 'generic.jpg';
echo $row->image; }?>" alt="<?php echo $row->seo ?>"/></a></div>
<?php } ?>