I have MySQL database containing just one table, having 100 rows and 12 columns: ID (primary key), NAME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, TYPE, COUNTRY, CONTINENT, DESCRIPTION_PATH, STORY_PATH, PICTURE_PATH, ICON_PATH and VIDEO_PATH. Do you think it is OK to keep all the data in one table or should data be distributed within more tables?
This is a perfectly fine table design as long as your Name rows only need at most one description, one story, one picture, one icon, and one video.
As soon as you want someone to have two pictures, you'll need to create another table for pictures and store one picture per row, each one referencing your first table.
For example:
picture_id INT,
name_id INT,
picture_path VARCHAR(100),
PRIMARY KEY (picture_id, name_id)
FOREIGN KEY (name_id) REFERENCES Names (id)
And you'd remove the picture_path column from first table of course.