i'm trying to insert an image using (cakephp) to sqlite DB in a BLOB column.
i'm using this code
$insert = "INSERT INTO story (page, image)
VALUES (:page, :image)";
$stmt = $file_db->prepare($insert);
// Bind parameters to statement variables
$img = file_get_contents($this->request->data['image']['tmp_name']);
$img = mysql_real_escape_string($img);
$stmt->bindParam(':page', $this->request->data['page']);
$stmt->bindParam(':image', $img);
// Execute statement
and it's inserting but a characters set not a blob data as it suppose to be.. is there any other way to do it or else what is the wrong with my code?
This is an answer to the question in the title, as it ranks #1 for [php sqlite blob]. This doesn't use PDO as I had trouble with it. You have to use prepared statement, you usually can't execute a literal SQL insert as the size is too big with a blob. This is an update rather than an insert but it's basically the same.
// example variables
// the blob field in the sqlite table is called ZIMAGE and the id field is ZID.
// Code
if (file_exists($image_filename)) {
$db = new SQLite3($database_filename);
$query = $db->prepare("UPDATE sqlite_table_name SET ZIMAGE=? WHERE ZID=?");
$query->bindValue(1, $image, SQLITE3_BLOB);
$query->bindValue(2, $row_id, SQLITE3_TEXT);
I don't think there's any hard rules in programming, I store images in blobs in Sqlite in certain situations. I also scrape webpages with regular expressions instead of Xpath! Whatever gets the job done.