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Drupal 7 -- #AJAX Refresh not displaying drupal_set_message errors

The issue:

In Drupal 7's Form API, when using #AJAX to refresh fields, error messages from validation are not displayed until the entire page is refreshed. I see the field I refreshed highlighted in the error state, but the user does not see the associated message until it's too late (they've reloaded the page, or gone to another page).

I started to manually process the error stack in this manor: -- Filter out specific errors during validation, but I have a complex form, and a small budget of time to complete this task. There must be some way to refresh the stack & display the messages to the user without processing everything manually.

Note: I'm using multi-commands with a callback, so utilizing this is an option for me.

  $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#my_wrapper", render($form['test']['field_a']));
  $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#another_wrapper", render($form['test']['field_b']));

  return array('#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands);



  • Solution:

    Apparently, when you use the multi-callback approach, Drupal does not refresh messages for you. You can do this manually, as follows:

      // Remove the old messages div, clearing existing messages.
      $commands[] = ajax_command_remove('#messages');
      // Append a new messages div with our latest errors and messages.
      $commands[] = ajax_command_after('#header-region', '<div id="messages">' . theme('status_messages') . '</div>');

    Simply add this to any callback commands[] array you have, and you're good to go.

    Thanks to -- AJAX commands and Drupal Messages for the right direction!