I built an empty RPM which depends on all software we need for a server.
This RPM is "noarch" at the moment.
If I try to install it I get this message:
LANG=C zypper install foo-server
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...
Problem: foo-server-1.0-1.noarch requires netpbm, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: netpbm-10.61.1-2.1.1.i586[oss]
Solution 1: deinstallation of patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts-12.3-7.10.1.x86_64
Solution 2: do not install foo-server-1.0-1.noarch
Solution 3: do not install foo-server-1.0-1.noarch
Solution 4: break foo-server-1.0-1.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies
Is it possible to provide a default for the archictecture (64 vs 32)?
My RPM just requires "netpbm" without any version.
I choose option 1: deinstallation of patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts and everything worked. I tried to find what "patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts" is, but couldn't find a good solution ...