I want to run perltidy before i look for diff in my subversion working copy. in svn config i wrote:
diff-cmd = /usr/bin/d.sh
As David W said in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/5834900/1927848 i make a script /usr/bin/d.sh:
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$1" > "/tmp/$1"
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$2" > "/tmp/$2"
/usr/bin/diff "$1" "$2"
/bin/rm "/tmp/$1" "/tmp/$2"
exit 0
and when i make svn diff in working copy i got some errors:
dev# svn diff
Index: nodeny/new_month.pl
Unknown option: u
Error on command line; for help try 'perltidy -h'
Option l is ambiguous (libpods, line-up-parentheses, logfile, logfile-gap, long-block-line-count, look-for-autoloader, look-for-hash-bang, look-for-selfloader)
Error on command line; for help try 'perltidy -h'
diff: option requires an argument -- L
/usr/bin/diff: Try `/usr/bin/diff --help' for more information.
where is my errors?
UPD: $1 and $2 are not file names, $6 and $7 contains file names. i made some modifications to code, thanks to ikegami comment
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$6" -st > "/tmp/tidy001"
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$7" -st > "/tmp/tidy002"
/usr/bin/diff "/tmp/tidy001" "/tmp/tidy002"
/bin/rm "/tmp/tidy001" "/tmp/tidy002"
exit 0
but now script only does first perltidy command and wait... whats wrong?
UPD2: perl script, that works:
use Text::Diff;
if (-e $ARGV[-2] && -e $ARGV[-1]) {
my $str1 = `/usr/local/bin/perltidy -npro -pbp -nst -se -et=4 -bar -l=200 $ARGV[-2] -st`;
my $str2 = `/usr/local/bin/perltidy -npro -pbp -nst -se -et=4 -bar -l=200 $ARGV[-1] -st`;
my $diff = diff(\$str1, \$str2);
print $diff;
else {
print "Error file $ARGV[-2] or $ARGV[-1] not exists\n";
exit 0;
I'm not an experienced bash
code, so the following may not be optimal, especially given the redundancy, but it solves your problem by assuming the last two args are the file names.
f1_idx=$(( ${#args[@]} - 2 ))
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$f1" -st > "/tmp/$f1"
f2_idx=$(( ${#args[@]} - 1 ))
/usr/local/bin/perltidy "$f2" -st > "/tmp/$f2"
/usr/bin/diff "$args[@]"
/bin/rm "/tmp/$f1" "/tmp/$f2"
exit 0
Or if you don't care about the actual file names (as your update implies), you can avoid the temporary files altogether.
last_idx=$(( ${#args[@]} - 1 ))
unset args[$last_idx]
last_idx=$(( ${#args[@]} - 1 ))
unset args[$last_idx]
/usr/bin/diff "$args[@]" \
<( /usr/local/bin/perltidy "$f1" -st ) \
<( /usr/local/bin/perltidy "$f2" -st )
exit 0