I'm trying convert RGB image to HSV with the function cvCvtColor(), but the results are unexpected. For example, white are converted to something near to red.
cvCvtColor(img, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
cvSplit( hsv, h, s, v, NULL );
cvShowImage("image", img);
cvShowImage("hsv", hsv);
cvShowImage("threshold", imgthresh);
Is the image converted correctly and only displayed wrong? And about the threshold, the better way to do this is using the 3 channels or only the hue? I want track red objects. Sorry about the english. Thanks.
cvShowImage will always expect RGB values (Or BGR, I am not sure). So, when you convert to HSV, it's expected that the color are shown different. Using this rgb to hsv conversor, you can see that white - in RGB represented as (255,255,255) - is converted to (0,0,100%) in HSV. As you are saying that the displayed color of white is red, I suspect that cvShowImage is really expecting BGR by default.