I am looking for a function. A global function that might do me the work of sending the stream packet to the client.
in function A (Server, From, attrs)-> I construct the xml element PacketToBeSent = "Packet + attrs" and so on....,
I would need a function to send froms server to client directly in this server. something like
ejabberd:somefunction(Server, From,PacketToBeSent).
I have used the ejabbered_router:route(Server, From,PacketToBeSent) but this deals with presences and many things that I dont want and need.
Providing that you have the recipient logged in, you can use:
ejabberd_c2s:handle_info({send_text, Text}, StateName, StateData) ->
or even send_element(StateData, El). But that is all valid if you have recipients PID or socket.
ejabberd_router:route, may be much better because it deals with offline users.