Is there a way to change a formula without inputing the new value yourself? Example:
should become
I don't want to calculate myself EY
comes after EX
, since it can go up to 4 letter.
You could use R1C1 formatting to do this:
Row1 = 1
Column1 = 2
Row2 = 10
Column = 2
Formula = "=sum(r%(first)sc%(second)s:r%(third)sc%(fourth)s)" % {'first':Row1,
xl.Cells(1,1).FormulaR1C1 = Formula
Makes the formula: =SUM($B$1:$B$10)
in cell A1. There's lots of neat things you can do with R1C1 formatting in excel, like using [] to denote offsets. Makes writing formulas from python a bit less painful. Hope this helps!