I'm trying to communicate with HiveServer2 via ruby TCPSocket. As per Thrift SASL spec, I send START message and then plain auth information. Server returns COMPLETE status with an empty payload. It should return challenge as a payload but an empty string.
START = 0x01
OK = 0x02
auth = 'PLAIN'
header = [START, auth.length].pack('cl>')
auth_string = ['anonymous'].pack('u')
auth_message = "[LOGIN] \u0000 #{auth_string} \u0000 #{auth_string}"
auth_header = [OK, auth_message.length].pack('cl>')
socket = TCPSocket.new localhost, 10000
socket.write header + auth
socket.write auth_header + auth_message
=> [5,0]
HiveServer2 returns 5 status that is COMPLETE. No further communication is possible via this socket as the server returns nothing anymore.
I suspect auth_message constructed in a wrong way or something else is wrong.
Can anyone suggest the way HiveServer2 will understand my requests?
Any help will be appreciated.
UPD: Thrift SASL spec
UPD2: Solved! STARTTLS block should look like following below:
START = 0x01
OK = 0x02
auth = 'PLAIN'
header = [START, auth.length].pack('cl>')
auth_message = "[ANONYMOUS]\u0000anonymous\u0000anonymous"
auth_header = [OK, auth_message.length].pack('cl>')
socket = TCPSocket.new localhost, 10000
socket.write header + auth
socket.write auth_header + auth_message
=> [5,0]
After COMPLETE status received from the server, I can use TCLIService::Client to communicate with the HiveServer2. Only one thing to notice:
All writes to the underlying transport must be prefixed by the 4-byte length of the payload data, followed by the payload. All reads from this transport should read the 4-byte length word, then read the full quantity of bytes specified by this length word.
Try to use thrift gem and consider https://github.com/dallasmarlow/hiveserver2 instead of Ruby sockets.