I'd like to know how to preform an action every hour in python. My Raspberry Pi should send me information about the temp and so on every hour. Is this possible?
I am new to python and linux, so a detailed explanation would be nice.
write a python code for having those readings from sensors in to text or csv files and send them to you or to dropbox account
and then put a cron job in linux to run that python script every hour
type in your command line
sudo su
then type
crontab -e
In opened file enter:
/ 0 * * * * /home/pi/yourscript.py
where /home/pi/yourscript.py is your fullpath to python script and it will execute this "yourscript.py" every 60 min.
To send your code to you - you have to choose some way- 1) you can send it to your inbox 2) to dropbox account 3) to sql data base In any case you have to write script for that.