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Chrome FATAL crash

I have a Node.js / Meteor app that is left consistently running on a screen - it works no problem for around 20 hours, then without fail (when I'm out of the office) I get the infamous "Aw Snap" screen:

enter image description here

I have checked the chrome_debug log and the following line indicates the crash:

[3868:3656:0515/] SK_CRASH

However gives me nothing to go on - googling the error and variations retrieves very little results. What could I do to debug further?


  • Most probably, you are running out of memory, and Skia (the Chrome graphics engine) is unable to create another canvas, hence the crash.

    You should use the Profiles panel of the DevTools: take two heap snapshots and compare them, or use the Uncovering DOM leaks technique.

    You can get some insight of what's happening in the native land by using Native memory profiling (explained)