consider the sample code:
$VAR1 = {
'en' => {
'new' => {
'style' => 'defaultCaption',
'tts:fontStyle' => 'bold',
'id' => 'new'
'defaultCaption' => {
'tts:textAlign' => 'left',
'tts:fontWeight' => 'normal',
'tts:color' => 'white',
'es' => {
'defaultSpeaker' => {
'tts:textAlign' => 'left',
'tts:fontWeight' => 'normal',
'new' => {
'style' => 'defaultCaption',
'tts:fontStyle' => 'bold',
'id' => 'new'
'defaultCaption' => {
'tts:textAlign' => 'left',
'tts:fontWeight' => 'normal',
i return it as reference, return \%hash
how do i dereference this?
. See for more information.
If your hash is returned by a function call, you can do either:
my $hash_ref = function_call();
for my $key (keys %$hashref) { ... # etc: use %$hashref to dereference
my %hash = %{ function_call() }; # dereference immediately
To access values within your hash, you can use the ->
$hash->{en}; # returns hashref { new => { ... }. defaultCaption => { ... } }
$hash->{en}->{new}; # returns hashref { style => '...', ... }
$hash->{en}{new}; # shorthand for above
%{ $hash->{en}{new} }; # dereference
$hash->{en}{new}{style}; # returns 'defaultCaption' as string