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PHP Auto-highlight cell depending on data from database

I am working on a PHP application and stumbled upon a problem on auto-highlighting.. I want to ask how to auto-highlight a cell of a table, whose data came from a database, after checking if the value is negative, 0, or positive, Red for negative, yellow for 0 and green for positive.

Please note that I have no experience regarding JavaScript or Ajax and rudimentary knowledge only on CSS. Thank you.

If needed, I can post any part of my code here.


  • It might be helpful for you:

    function getSampleStatus($sampleid){
            $query='Select status from config where status_id='.$sampleid;
            $this->_db->setQuery( $query );
            $status =$this->_db->loadResult();
            return "<span style='color:".$color.";padding-left:200px;'>".$status."</span>";

    This function simply adds different colors depending on sample status.

    For example:

    • For disapproved records, color red.
    • For Approved records, color green.
    • For Lab completed records, color yellow and so on..


    For Simplicity, try this:

    $yourdatafromdatabase = 3; //which is either -ve, zero or positive
    if($yourdatafromdatabase < 0){ 
        $color="#FF0000";   //red for less than zero
    }elseif($yourdatafromdatabase== 0){
        $color="#FFFF00"; //yellow for zero
        $color="#00FF00"; //green for positive
    echo "<span style=\"color: $color\"> <h1> Wow Color! </h1></span>";

    Working Demo:>>