Search code examples

SQL get the last date time record

I'm trying to get the last datetime record from a table that happens to store multiple status. My table looks like so:

|filename |Dates                   |Status |
|abc.txt  |2012-02-14 12:04:45.397 |Open   |
|abc.txt  |2012-02-14 12:14:20.997 |Closed |
|abc.txt  |2013-02-14 12:20:59.407 |Open   |
|dfg.txt  |2012-02-14 12:14:20.997 |Closed |
|dfg.txt  |2013-02-14 12:20:59.407 |Open   |

The results should be

|filename |Dates                   |Status |
|abc.txt  |2013-02-14 12:20:59.407 |Open   |
|dfg.txt  |2013-02-14 12:20:59.407 |Open   |


  • If you want one row for each filename, reflecting a specific states and listing the most recent date then this is your friend:

    select filename ,
           status   ,
           max_date = max( dates )
    from some_table t
    group by filename , status
    having status = '<your-desired-status-here>'
