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Change style.fontWeight of Joomla! Articles Category Module

I am setting up a feed that lists articles modified in the last 30 days. However, I would like this list to be of fontWeight:normal. The options within Joomla! only allow for heading style. I have access to the *.php files if necessary.

I have tried modifying the mod_articles_category.php already and was able to change everything but what I wanted.

I know one way is to trick the module by having a blank Month and Year Group, but then the list is tabbed over and the text is bunched up.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Solved this by modifying the mod_articles_category.xml. I changed the value of JH6 to value="0".

I asked/wrote this question and its "solution" very early in my developing career. DO NOT do what I did. The correct method would be to alter the CSS as explained in the comments.


  • Solved this by modifying the mod_articles_category.xml. I changed the value of JH6 to value="0".

    Do not use this answer, please see my EDIT at the end of my original question.